Achieve more by planning your weekly sports


By planning your sports sessions at the beginning of the week, you can achieve more and make the most of the weather. Especially so in Winter. 

Each Sunday I check the weather forecast for the coming week, and plan my sports sessions throughout the week. This allows me to make the best of the weather, and get the most sessions in.

I have Mondays off work and normally have a run with Abs. 

Tuesday and Wednesday I normally cycle to work the long way. I normally take a 15 mile route, often taking a hilly route over the South Downs. 

On Wenedsay night Abs is often out so I do a long run of perhaps a cycle group ride. 

Thursday night I often meet friends for drinks and so there’s no sport. 

If I’ve been out on Thursday night I normally walk to work (35 mins), if not maybe a long cycle in. 

Saturday I work half a day and I’ll try and get a 3 hour ride in, or a long run in bad ducking weather. 

No sport on Sunday, except walking and maybe a swim. 

I aim to get to the gym 2 or 3 times a week. Sometimes I’ll run at lunchtimes. 

I try and get 1 short run and 1 long run per week

I try for 50+ miles per week of cycling. 

Getting ready for winter cycling, commuting and dark evening running

Winter’s coming, and the nights have started to draw in very quickly.  Normally this would fill me with dread.  But this year I am embracing this.  This is a great chance to focus on getting in more riding, and evening runs.

Although summer brings the better weather, it also brings lots of distractions that actually stops me getting out there.

More riding

This winter I am focusing on cycling to work at least 3 days a week.  My office is only 2 miles from my home, so I’ll take the long way to work.  I’ve put together several routes or around 15 – 25 miles that will give me a great ride into the office.  I’m not going to try and do it everyday, just the days with good (enough) weather.

I’m not a big fan of winter evening rides.  The cold weather and dark evenings don’t sit well with me.  By riding to work in the morning light I can get a good ride in the warmer daylight.

I have also started doing the odd day working at home, with a primitive home made standing desk.  I’m planning on using this day to have a longer lunchtime ride.

To get myself ready for this I cleaned my bike, got the mudguards on, bought myself some great new lights (Exposure Diablo, Trace and TraceR), and some new gloves.

More running

I started the year with lots of running, and then a big gap due to a lack of focus and a knee injury.  Then in September a got back into running with preparation of the Truro Half Marathon.

So, I’ve got the running bug back, and I don’t want to lose it.  I much prefer running in winter as you keep cool, and it’s the best use of the dark and wet winter evenings, which aren’t really useful for much else!

To keep me motivated Abs and I have signed up for the Brighton Half Marathon in February.  I bought myself some nice new running kit.

Thinking about my routes for the winter, I’ve sorted an old Cree bike light as a torch for running around the very dark Hove Park.  It’s a great location to run in the evenings, as it’s traffic and people free, and has a good bit of elevation.

My advice is to embrace this changing weather, and plan what you’re going to do to keep active.  Don’t get stuck in on the sofa.